Services Provided

Providing individual, couples and family counseling.

Treatment specialization includes:

  • Therapy for Depression and Anxiety
  • Couples Counseling
  • Family Counseling
  • Parenting Support

    My practice is focused in 2 directions currently:  the first is to assist clients who have unresolved trauma in their lives using EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing),

    and the second is to assist families toward greater calm and harmony through implementation of the Incredible Years parenting program.   


    I am certified in EMDR which effectively and efficiently treats trauma, which may be a single event such as a car accident or sexual assault, or could be more complicated, involving childhood trauma in addition to more recent distressing events. Memories of these events can cause big feelings to erupt, avoidance of similar situations, nightmares, and even flashbacks that make it feel like the event is still happening to you.  If your trauma is life-long and more complex, EMDR is also very effective for this situation, though is a longer process because it involves more events, and may have impacted your sense of self and/or your ability to function well in relationships. 

     Below is a simple, animated description of how EMDR works.



    Incredible Years Parenting Program 

     I work with parents using the evidence-based principles of the Incredible Years program as a basis for stabilizing and improving family systems. I have found significant and quick results when parents commit to daily child-led time with their kids, and to providing a unified and consistent parenting approach to calm themselves and their children. You can expore the program through the link below:

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